Local Attractions, Parks and Recreation
Listed below are several local attractions to visit while on an Ohio vacation at Murphin Ridge Inn.
Serpent Mound, built by the Adena people between 800 B.C. and 100 A.D., is famous worldwide as the largest and finest serpent effigy in the United States. Nearly a quarter of a mile long, the mound appears to represent an uncoiling serpent. A museum on the grounds features exhibits of the mound and the geology of the surrounding area. For more information call 937-587-2796.
Adams Lake State Park permits fishing and boating (non-powered and electric motors only) on their 47-acre lake. Picnic tables and restrooms are located throughout the 95-acre park. An adjacent prairie, rich in natural diversity, provides hiking trails. Contact Adams Lake Nature Preserve at 937-544-9750
Chaparral Prairie features a ¾ mile hiking trail and is located about 3 miles northwest of West Union on Hawk Hill Road, just off Chaparral Road. 937-544-9750
Davis Memorial, an 88-acre nature preserve with rugged dolomite cliffs, numerous species of rare plants, rich forests, and prairie openings, is located near Peebles on Davis Memorial Road, 2 ½ miles east of Steam Furnace Road.
Edge of Appalachia Preserve nature preserve is owned and managed by the Cincinnati Museum of Natural History & Science and the Nature Conservancy. Lynx Prairie Preserve contains over 250 species of plants, many typical of prairies and grasslands west of the Mississippi. Peak bloom is in August. A trail entrance is located behind East Liberty Church off Tulip Road, near Lynx. Buzzard Roost Rock Preserve, named for the turkey vultures or "buzzards" that soar overhead, offers scenic vistas from this overlook in the hills high above Ohio Brush Creek. A gravel parking area is at the eastern end of Weaver Road, off St. Rt. 125. 937-544-2188 The preserve’s Eulett Center is available for community and business meetings, educational programs and more - located on Wagoner Riffle Rd. off St. Rt. 125 south of West Union.
Hilltop Golf Course, an 18-hole course, is open year-round. For reservations and cart rental call 937-549-2904

(These businesses are Amish owned and operated.)
J&L Greenhouse offers Hanging Baskets, Annuals, Starter Plants & Bulbs, and
Keim Family Market offers Amish baked goods, cheeses and lots of things made from trees! It is located just off the Appalachian Hwy (St. Rt. 32) at 2621 Burnt Cabin Road, near Seaman. (Try the Cashew Crunch!)
Miller’s Bakery, Bulk Food and Furniture features Amish home-baked breads, cookies, cakes, pies and rolls, a large selection of cheese and bulk foods, as well as handcrafted, solid oak furniture and wooden items. Miller’s is located at 960 Wheat Ridge Road.
Murphin Ridge Building Supplies is located on Murphin Ridge Road at its intersections with Wheat Ridge Rd. There are also a number of pallet shops and lumber mills in the area.
Raber’s Shoes and Saddlery specializes in Red Wing shoes, shoe repair, horse related items, such as saddles, bridles, halters, custom saddles, chaps and holsters. Raber’s is located at 1324 Duffey Rd.

Murphin Ridge Gift Shop is located upstairs in the Dining House. As long as we are here, it is open for you to browse through our collection of local artwork, sensual spa products and some of our favorite books to read. You can also pick up some Murphin Ridge memorabilia as a memento until you’re back on the Ridge.
Blake Pharmacy on the Square features an old-fashioned soda fountain complete with a 5-cent Coca Cola. Blake’s is located on the Square in West Union.